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BTEC Business Level 3: Unit 2 Knowledge Hub

  • 31 Steps


Welcome to the Two Teacher's BTEC Level 3 - Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign Knowledge Hub. The aim of the knowledge hub is to help you as students to: - Recap the topics that you've studied in class - Identify any strengths and gaps in your subject knowledge - Boost your knowledge to ultimately increase the chances of exam success For each topic area, there are 20 multiple choice questions for you to answer so you can test your knowledge and identify any strengths or gaps in your subject knowledge. Note: make sure you finish each quiz in full and press 'send' when complete, otherwise you will lose your answers and will have to start the quiz again. Also, there maybe more than one answer for each question. To support you, we've included explainer videos for some of the key topics. You can watch these before you attempt each quiz or afterwards if you identify any gaps in your knowledge. At the end of the knowledge hub, there are 4 summary quizzes, each containing 30 questions to test you against all of the topics covered in Unit 2. These are designed to be a final test of your understanding of the unit as a whole and should give you a good indication wether you have sufficient knowledge of the content in the Unit 2 specification. If you want to revisit any section to refresh your knowledge by redoing the quizzes or watching the videos, you can do. We hope you enjoy the knowledge hub and we wish you all the best for your official exam.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


Single Student B2, £5.00


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